Questions from January 2019: What can we learn by sharing?
Inspired by Warren Berger and his books of questions, I set out in 2019 to ask at least one question per day-- below is my raw notes on what I asked. It's fascinating to look back on a year in questions. I will feature a month's worth (and what I think are the best questions of the month). I welcome your comments and thoughts. :) #patientquestionologist

2019 Questions of the Day (and some ideas)
What if I did write the book?
Is it a memoir or is it a memoir with a purpose?
How might patients become "patientologist?"
Why is patient "expert" a bad thing?
How might I assure questionologist, firstgen, healthcare helper be my brand?
What should my logo include? Question and Heart?
How might QEI be a thing? Question/Experiment/Implement?
How might being a patient speaker at every medical conference/health conference transform the patient partner movement?
What if I only get paid for speech if makes a difference. Defined by those who invite.
Bbq- big beautiful q. How might I help to create culture of curiosity that results in patients becoming innovators to solve healthcare's.
What does it take to overcome fear and vulnerability? Why do others opinions matter?
What if patients in CR do Yoga/meditation at orientation?
What if something like "know you are loved" playing in background? What music should be utilized? How might it be intentional?
What if we tracked "innovations"/"ideas"/"experiments" that come from patients and call them - patient innovators?
How might we see the power of true interdisciplinarity by asking patients for the skill/career/life experiences that informs how they think about the world and then work over time to match that to solve problems currently bogging down a practice/clinic or research team?
What if we partnered with dog rescues?
How might gamification be used in home based and in person CR?
How can we create culture of curiosity in CR?
What about question of day cards? During blood pressure. At home shared with others?
What about “time bank idea” to help others work out?
What if you landed on earth and knew nothing. How would you change? What skills would you need to add?
What could we learn about gamification to help patients stay in it? How to design better?
How might we leverage power of social proof with phase 3 patients during lunches together
How might we create a culture at doctors/healthcare centers where the surprise is to get someone who is not truly phenomenal, meeting our needs and generous in spirit and kindness?
Why is it that writing requires so much practice? What might be "hacks" for writers?
How does one create an "authentic" self? Who are without filters? 4 year olds and 94 year olds-- both are cute? :)
How might graduate medical education prioritize the role of co-producing/partnering with patients to attain best possible care? What if patients could help train particularly in GME where even if good Undergrad Meded might be "beat out of you" with the "realities" of residency/fellowship?
What if I worked with a team to create "patient-centered" core competency? What would it include?
What if patents gathered to create what they would do if they wanted to recover after heart attack?
What would patients want if they were only teachers of Med students/residents and fellows?
How might I work To leverage the power of informational interview as a biz model? Can I show by doing 15 interviews a year x times more likely find a match, be happier than colleagues, etc
Why do we not teach interview skills. From K-12?
What if we used waiting room as a place to build community. If you put out sign up sheet, how many people would connect?
Why not use predictive analytics and computers to assure that you know how long will take to see someone and assure you have sufficient time for those who need more and less for those who need (or want) less?
What if meditation was taught at orientation to cardiac patients?
Why doesn't medicine seem to care about sleep and residents? What information do we know about 80 hour work weeks? Is the only way to assure good training require to extend the program to double since they are already working 80? Who is the leading authority on residents/fellows/doctors and sleep? Why doesn't this get attention?
1/23/19- Mom's birthday- so Qs inspired by brilliant/talented mom today...
How might I utilize my lovely mother's heart health history to teach me something about the system from her eyes? What could I send to her that would be less burdensome and time consuming that she might like to do?
What lessons have I learned from my mom that couldn't have been taught in all of the education I have received by a woman who didn't have a high school diploma? How might we find ways to unearth from all of the folks like my ma?
What if patients joined the physicians to drape the white coats on new medical students at the white coat ceremony?
How might patients be "teachers" for residents-- pulling together "letters to learners" and turn that group into a curriculum committee to change resident training forever?
How might golf be used as a metaphor to help in my career? What would be the things I've used-- problem solving, practice, connections with others, my work ethic, etc.
Find a book by asking questions
Google’s Talk to Books uses experimental AI to browse book passages that respond to your questions. I asked “How can I time travel?” and got back a rabbit hole of responses. It’s pretty much a dream come true. — CD
How might LOVEMEDED change the way residents are trained? How would one measure qualities like Love, Transparency, Authenticity and Trust?
What if patient educators were full members in a curriculum committee? What might they think is most important? Least important to know/learn?
How do planes fly?
What if planes helped with “nudge” “build community” questions on the screens?
Why do waves come? What’s the foamy stuff on the beach?
BEST of January- top 2 favorite questions and ones to consider working on.
1. How might I help to create culture of curiosity that results in patients becoming innovators to solve healthcare's.
2.What if planes helped with “nudge” “build community” questions on the screens?